Busy but not in disarray
tired but not in worn out
struction (n) 結構
instruction (n)指示
struts ...這是java用的,中文叫"支撐"
influence (v) 影響
Affect (V) 影響
effect (n)影響 (v)實現
influence affect effect的用法區別
區別一:affect 與 effect 均可表示“影響”,其區別是:前者是動詞(及物),主要指一時的影響,着重影響的動作,可指一般意義的影響(不分好壞),也可指不良影響;後者是名詞(可數或不可數)可數或不可數,兩者的關係大 致為:affect=have an effect on。如:To affect a policy is to have an effect on it. 影響一項政策就是對該政策具有一種影響。The news did not affect her at all.=The news had no effect on her at all. 這條消息對她沒有一點影響。註:effect 有時雖用作動詞(及物),但不表示“影響”,而表示“實現”或“產生”等。如:They effected their escape inthe middle of the night. He effected great changes in the company. 他使公司發生了巨大的變化。
區別二:influence 表示“影響”,主要指對行為、性格、觀點等產生間接的或潛移默化的影響。可用作動詞”(及物)或名詞(通常不可數,但有時可連用不 定冠詞)。如:What you read influences your thinking. 你讀的東西對你的思想有影響
disarray (n)雜亂 (v) 弄亂
worn (adj) 破損、精疲力盡
worn out : 累翻了、精疲力盡了
widom comes at the moment When vexations perish from the mind;
compassions is nothing more than sharing benefits with others
// more than More than+名詞”表示“多於……
// More than+數詞”含“以上”或“不止”之意
// More than+形容詞”等於“很”或“非常”的意思
// No more...than...”表示“不……;不如……” (本篇用法)
以上More than 參考網址 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!DNcvdOOfEQSucpKT7xl_YtyxQw.h7zo7HA--/article?mid=6276
compassion (n) 同情、惻隱之心(對別人表示同情)
vexations (n) 煩惱
perish (v) 滅亡、亡
Row now you gather what you have planted;
What you harvest tomorrow, you plant at this moment
gather (v) 收集、聚集
odd(adj) 單、單數、怪異、奇
harvest (v) 收穫
offer yourself is cultivation
calming your mind is success
cultivation (n) 種值、耕耘、修行
calming (v)(n) 平靜
calm down 冷靜下來
Wisdom is not simple Knowledge
nor experience , nor idle speculation
It is an attitude that transcends
idle speculation = 隨意推測
idle (n)(V) 怠、懶、閒置
speculation (n)推測
transcend (v) 超越
Take care of your own business
Do not meddle in someone else's business
and stay untroubled by the Universe's business
untroubled (adj) 憂
stay untroubled = 保持平靜
Universe 宇宙、天地
meddle (v) 插手
Worry causes needless injury !
Mindfulness brings security
Mindfulness (n) 正念; Causes 造成
with problem , face it、deal with it、accept it、let it go
We love to grasp what we love and
reject what we dislike;
gain and loss, gain and loss, vexations are sure to come
Grasp (v) 把握、捉、領會; Reject (v) 拒絕、排斥 (也是Refuse);
Vexations (n) 煩惱 ; lip (n) 唇; deep (n) 深 ; good deeps (善行);
is not ... but 不是...而是...
The value of life is not in duration but in contribution
essential (adj)必要的; illustion (n) 錯覺;
You have a particular role and responsibility, act accordingly
particular (adj)特別的、獨有的; role (n) 角色;
accordingly (adv) 而是、於是 (act accordingly ; 採取相應的行動)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD8DOVtcTJQ 以上來至英語卡通練習